Mike Palotas
Based in Seattle, WA, US
Founding date:
Press / Business contact:
ZombMe Twitter Page
ZombMe Facebook Page
StickType Facebook Page
BlastMorph Facebook Page
Seattle, WA, United States
About Me
A software developer by day, I'm also living my dream of building video games by night.
Bringing my Passions to LifeMy first gaming experiences were on a Nintendo Entertainment System and an Amiga 500. I've always enjoyed designing and creating things, dealing with technical details, and creating music. I found that all of those technical and creative passions can be satisfied when I create video games...and so that's what I do.
Following a DreamI fell in love with software development by my first college class, where I won several awards for some of my programs. 3D modeling and animation was another exciting focus for me during the college years. My first projects were done by manipulating polygons in OpenGL and C++ vertex-by-vertex, and included a 3D Pac-man-like game that had two levels, multiplayer gameplay, elements from Bomberman, maze and character creation tools, and even optional first-person gameplay. Next steps were DigiPen classes and XNA. Once I learned about Unreal and Unity, though, things really began taking off: StickType rose from a simple stick-figure prototype game to become a fully-fledged game accepted and published via ID@Xbox to PCs and Xbox consoles. Next up is ZombMe, which is under construction and has already been accepted to ID@Xbox.
ZombMe original trailer (World 1) YouTube
ZombMe second trailer (World 7) YouTube
StickType trailer YouTube
StickLady DLC trailer YouTube
BlastMorph:Pinball trailer YouTube
There are far more images available from my projects, but these are the ones I felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact me!
Additional Links
My website
A quick website I put together talking about some of my games www.mikepalotas.com.
ZombMe website
A simple website I put together for my current game, ZombMe www.mikepalotas.com/ZombMe.
StickType website
A website I put together for my first game, StickType www.sticktype.com.
BlastMorph website
A website I put together for my experimental game and demo, BlastMorph www.blastmorph.com.
BlastMorph:Pinball website
A website I put together for my experimental pinball game, BlastMorph:Pinball www.blastmorphpinball.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Mike Palotas
Software Developer, Artist, 3D Modeler, 3D Animator, Music Composer, Game Developer
Thank you Rami Ismail for the presskit() creator